Friday 27 April 2012

Week of April 30th - May 3rd

Hi Gr.10's,

Last week we learned about body image, eating disorders, steroid use and managing stress.

This coming week we will be studying smoking, alcohol, and drugs. This is a fairly large unit that will likely take at least 2 weeks to cover. We will do a number of activities that look at the harmful effects, types, etc. of drugs.

Don't forget that some of you still have not handed in your Health Awareness posters, or your 5-day Eating Logs! Also, your DPA 10 (Daily Physical Declaration) certificate needs to be completed and handed in soon as well.

Have a great week and see you in class :)

Sunday 22 April 2012

Week of April 23rd - 27th

Hi Gr.10's,

First off on Monday, your health/ad campaign posters that were assigned on Tuesday are due. You had two class periods to work on this plus the weekend, so there should be no excuse for not having it done. Expect to hand your assignment in first thing!

Don't forget also that your 5-day Eating Logs + Reflection on the backside should be completed by now and turned in for a mark and to be put into your Grad Transitions folder. Also, there are still a few of you who have not yet returned your letter of permission, signed by your parents. It has been over a week so please get it back to me asap!!

This week we will begin looking at exercise and fitness. You will do a couple quizzes/assessments of your own fitness and fitness knowledge, watch a video and go over some handouts. On Monday you will need to visit the link on the right hand side under "Important Links" called Daily Physical Activity Guidelines for Teens.

Once we have finished learning about exercise and fitness, we will be moving on to the following topics:
  • body image
  • eating disorders
  • steroid use
  • managing stress
Exercise, fitness, and looking good are closely linked to our body image, eating disorders and steroid use. Unfortunately, the media plays a very influential role in 'societal ideals' of what 'beauty' is supposed to look like. We will examine this, the causes for it, and of course the negative consequences of it. We'll see how far we get this week, but I believe this is quite an interesting unit. You can expect a few videos this week as well.

As an introduction to body image, I'd like you to look at the following picture and ask yourself, how did our perception of 'beauty' and 'being sexy' change so drastically over the years?

It is a good question :(

See you in class...

Sunday 15 April 2012

Week of April 16-20th

Hi Gr.10's,

Remember that Monday is your marks cut off! I hope some of you have been busy over the weekend in order to avoid an 'I' report this report card.
Also, please return your Permission Letters signed by your parents for the upcoming units on health & healthy relationships. I gave them to you last Thursday. They are due Monday!!!

Here is a breakdown of what you can expect this coming week:

A look at your daily maximum number of calories, fast food, what you eat, and the McDonald's Nutrition Calculator! We will then watch a video called "Portion Size Me" that deals with teens eating fast food.

Nutrition Quiz- based on the Canada Food Guide, Water, and Essential Nutrients
Video: Teen Nutrition- the Great Debate
Time permitting you will be assigned your next project- an Ad Campaign for Health Awareness in Teens

Wednesday (Double-block)
Documentary: "Food Inc." + Discussion Questions for hand in
This is an extremely interesting and shocking look at the business of food in America, and all of the moral and ethical issues that come with corporations controlling the food industry.

Health Awareness Ad Campaign Poster assignment- work time

Health Awareness Ad Campaign Poster assignment-work time

Project Due: Monday April 23rd

It should be a fun week. See you in class! :)

Monday 9 April 2012

Week of April 10-13th

Hi Gr.10's,

On Tuesday you will have a quiz on credit,so you would be wise to review your notes from last week. Following that you will be learning about Mortgages and Car Loans. For both you will be doing an online activity trying to find your first house and car! Lastly, you'll be doing a final assignment in this unit- a Financial Plan. This will assist you in completing your Grad Transitions in Gr.12. It is my hopes that we will be completely done the Finance unit of this course by the end of this week!

Don't forget, my marks cut off for the upcoming report card is Monday, April 16th- yes, THIS MONDAY, so that I have time to mark them. If you are missing any assignments that are affecting your overall grade negatively, I suggest you get them done and handed in by then! It's up to you, as all the assignments thus far are already overdue.

See you in class!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Week of April 2- 5th

Hi Gr.10's,

Bring me!
This week we will start out by reviewing what you have learned thus far on saving and investing. I will show you two videos on personal finance. You can expect a quiz on what we have studied so far as well. Following that we will look at banking services before moving onto credit and loans. Be sure that you bring a calculator to class!

See you in class!