Friday 25 May 2012

May 28 - June 1st

Hi Class,

Now that we've covered contraception, we will be moving on to the topic of STI's- Sexually Transmitted Infections or as we called them in my high school days: STD's-Sexually Transmitted Diseases! You will be working on another research project, this time just with a partner, that you'll present to the class. I'll go over all the details and expectations in class on Tuesday.

There are two really good links on my page (see 'Important Links' on the right) about STD's that you may wish to consult as part of your research project. STD and STI's BC Public Health

Don't forget- your 5-day Eating Logs and DPA (Daily Physical Activity) Declaration are due this Friday, June 1st!

See you in class!

Monday 21 May 2012

Week of May 22 - 26th

Hi Gr.10's,

This week we will be starting to look at the topics of sex, contraception and possibly sexually transmitted infections if time permits. You will be given the chance to look at some library resources, you'll learn about different types of contraception and you'll also watch a video. This is a very important unit that will cover sensitive material that requires a serious and mature attitude. Please be respectful and be in class everyday.

Also, if you are STILL MISSING many assignments since the term report card and have not made any effort to get caught up (you know who you are!!), you can expect phone calls to be going home soon to inform your parents of your poor choices and low marks! Some of you even risk failure! In case you need reminding, Planning 10 is a REQUIRED COURSE TO GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Get off your butts and do your work so you can pass this class please! Thanks...


Your Concerned Teacher

Sunday 13 May 2012

Week of May 14 - 18th

Hi Gr.10's,
Good job on everyone getting their group presentation done last week. We will be continuing with presentations and note-taking this week. I estimate that we will be done by Wednesday. You can expect to hand in your notes packages for a completion mark on that day. I have some relevant videos to show you about drug use/abuse this week as well. You can also expect a quiz on the drugs we've studied in class in the near future. All the more reason to pay attention in class and take good notes! ;) ;)

See you in class! :)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Week of May 7 - 11th

Hi Class,

Starting on Thursday May 3rd we will begin our unit on drugs. You will be doing a group project Drug Awareness Webquest. This assignment will take us through most, if not, all of next week to complete. You will have 3-4 class periods to do your research and create your group presentation. The due date for presentations to start is Wednesday May 9th. Click the link below to go to the Website for assignment instructions, expectations and content requirements.

Good luck!

Alcohol, Texting, and Driving DO NOT MIX

In class we learned about the dangers and consequences of drinking as a teenager, not to mention the increased risk of car accidents when alcohol and texting are added to the equation. Below I have posted the two videos that I showed in class in case you wish to watch them again. They are very powerful and 'drive' home a very serious and strong message (yes, pun intended).

Live Fast Die Young (Drinking & Driving)

If Lives Are In Your Hands (Texting & Driving)
