Monday 16 May 2016

Alchohol, Texting and Driving DO NOT MIX!

In class we learned about the dangers and consequences of drinking as a teenager, not to mention the increased risk of car accidents when alcohol and texting are added to the equation. Below I have posted the two videos that I showed in class in case you wish to watch them again. They are very powerful and 'drive' home a very serious and strong message (yes, pun intended).

Live Fast Die Young (Drinking & Driving)

If Lives Are In Your Hands (Texting & Driving)



Tuesday 12 April 2016

BC Skills Careers Exploration

Skills BC Field Trip

Today is the day of our field trip to Abbotsford to Skills BC, an exhibition of the various trades programs available in BC! Here you will have the opportunity to explore the different displays, participate in some hands-on activities, ask questions and get a better idea of what is out there that might interest you someday!

Before you go (and even if you aren't able to attend), please do this skills Careers Exploration Activity and complete the "What Are You Made Of?" Response sheet.

If time permits, we will have class members share what trades they researched.This may give you a starting point at Skills BC as to which trades you may wish to look a little closer at.

Here is the link to the site we will be using:

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Semester II- March 2016


After a year off on maternity leave and a 3 year hiatus from teaching Planning 10, I'm baaack!!! :D Sorry for my late return in the semester, but better late than never as they say!

I am very excited to be teaching Planning again, as I feel it is such a relevant and interesting course that touches on so many real-life issues that students today are and will be facing!

I will try to get us into the computer lab or onto ipads as much as possible. Please visit this site for reminders and links to useful sites and resources.

See you in class :)
