Sunday 26 February 2012

Week of Feb.27-Mar.2

Hi Gr.10's,

Here is a break down of this week:

Monday- class moved to Foods Lab B124!!! (Go directly there)
             - we will study/review for your quiz Tuesday on Personal Discovery

Tuesday- QUIZ on Personal Discovery unit (personality, theories, psychologists, etc.)
            - remaining class time for project. DUE DATE EXTENSION- Friday March 2nd

Check out this cool photo I found that relates to one of the quizzes we did in class!
Wednesday- Friday- Begin "Career & Education" unit
                                 - need for post-secondary education, types of employment and
                                   compensation, employability skills, manners & etiquette
                                   at work

See you in class!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Week of Feb.20-24th

Hi Gr.10's,

First thing on Monday your Transition Plan is due to be handed in. If you were not finished your Career Cruising Booklet and Brochure on Friday, that too is expected to be handed in ASAP!

The students who were absent on Friday will be expected to write their Grad Requirements Quiz first thing as well. Following that, I hope to correct the quizzes so that I can get the marks back to you as quickly as possible.

On Friday we talked about "Values" and you were to complete a Values Survey. Please ensure that that is done by Monday as well. We will be looking at Self-Concept before assigning you your final Self-Identity Project. You can expect a movie this week as well that relates to identity, values, self-concept, peer pressure, etc. What movie you ask? Be in class on Thursday and you'll find out!! :)

See you in class!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Week of Feb.13-16th

Hi Gr.10's,

On Monday you will have class time to work on your Career Brochure. You should be done your Career Cruising booklet already, so if you're not, take it home and finish it ASAP. Please use your time efficiently, as we will soon be moving on to Post-Secondary education and the various options you have. You will have a quiz on Grad Requirements, Grad Transitions, and Post-Secondary education on Friday Feb.17th, so be sure you are prepared by listening in class and looking over your notes at home.

On Monday one of the counselors will be coming to our class to help you with your course selection for next year and then you will actually register for the classes you want on Thursday Feb.16th. Ensure you're in class for that and look over the course selection guide if you haven't done so already. Hopefully your Career Cruising activities have given you something to think about and have helped you determine which courses you should be taking.

See you in class!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Week of Feb.6-10th

Hey Everybody,

This is just a reminder that your Who Am I? assignment is due Monday February 6th if you haven't handed it in already. Ensure that you have your typed paragraph attached to the back and Part A stapled behind your poster.

This week I had planned to continue exploring personality, by doing a number of personality quizzes, such as your Emotional Quotient, about Left and Right brain tendencies, and much more. However, due to your course selection date fast approaching (Feb.16th), we are going to switch gears and start discussing graduation requirements, focus areas, and career selection to help you better choose your courses the following week! Had I known course selection was so soon I would have started with this! This is a really important unit, which will help you determine what you want to do in the future and what classes you'll need to take in order to get there! You will need access to the BC Ministry of Education's Grad Planner. You can access the site by clicking here: Grad Planner  or you may access it from my "IMPORTANT LINKS" on the right hand side of my website.

Regardless, it should be a fun week as you begin to learn more about yourselves!

See you in class!