Sunday 19 February 2012

Week of Feb.20-24th

Hi Gr.10's,

First thing on Monday your Transition Plan is due to be handed in. If you were not finished your Career Cruising Booklet and Brochure on Friday, that too is expected to be handed in ASAP!

The students who were absent on Friday will be expected to write their Grad Requirements Quiz first thing as well. Following that, I hope to correct the quizzes so that I can get the marks back to you as quickly as possible.

On Friday we talked about "Values" and you were to complete a Values Survey. Please ensure that that is done by Monday as well. We will be looking at Self-Concept before assigning you your final Self-Identity Project. You can expect a movie this week as well that relates to identity, values, self-concept, peer pressure, etc. What movie you ask? Be in class on Thursday and you'll find out!! :)

See you in class!