Friday 8 June 2012

Week of June 11 - 15th

Hi Gr.10's,

I hope you enjoyed your 'Safeteen' presentations last Friday. I look forward to hearing about them from you on Monday. Now that we are done covering the Sex Ed portion of the course, this last week we will be looking at and discussing 'Healthy Relationships'. We will be doing a number of activities and covering topics such as:
  • The Influence of Media on Teens and Sex
  • Peer Pressure in Relationships
  • Rights and Responsibilities While Being in a Relationship
  • What Makes a Healthy Relationship? / What Makes a Relationship Unhealthy?
  • Deal Makers and Deal Breakers 
  • Dear Gabby Advice Column
  • He Said...She Said Q&A Class
  • Final Mystery Box Q&A Class
  • Ms.Sundin's Little Gem's of Wisdom

This will be a fun and relaxed week with highly relevant discussion on important aspects of relationships.

Hopefully we'll get through this material in good time. If we have a few extra classes I would like to show 1-2 movies that highlight issues we've discussed this term. This depends of course on time.

Let me just take this opportunity to say I have really enjoyed teaching all of you this semester and wish you all the best in the future!

My Final Last Words: "Take care, make good choices, think for yourself, resist peer pressure, don't drink and drive, 'Say NO' to drugs, and 'Be Safe'!!!"

 I hope you've learned something in this class that you can take with you into your lives beyond class.

-Ms.Sundin :)