Sunday 25 September 2011

Week of Sept. 27-30

Hi Class,

I hope you made good use of your long weekend by getting your Self-Identity Projects completed, which are Due Tuesday September 27th!

This week we will be watching another movie that demonstrates two important lessons- one on values, which we talked about in our first unit, and the other on kindness....Random Acts of Kindness no less. We will watch this video on Tuesday and Wednesday, after which you'll have a multiple choice quiz  (so ensure you take notes while watching the movie). Following the movie I'll explain your next project, which is largely inspired by the movie. This is a big project, but a really good one. More to come on this in class so don't miss it!

In the meantime we will be moving ahead into the next unit, which deals with Grad Requirements, Post-secondary education, and careers. This is a really important unit, which will help you determine what you want to do in the future and what classes you'll need to take in order to get there! You will need access to the BC Ministry of Education's Grad Planner. You can access the site by clicking here: Grad Planner 2011-2012 or you may access it from my "Important Links" on the right hand side of my website.

See you in class!