Sunday 2 October 2011

Week of Oct.3-7

Good Day Everyone!

On Friday we started our second unit- Graduation Requirements. You were to research online using the 2011/12 Grad Planner to find out what courses and credits you need. This is Due Monday Oct.3rd. Be expected to hand it in first thing on Monday if you didn't finish in the class time provided. (If you were absent that day, you will be sent to the library to complete this.)

Here is a break down of what we will be doing this week:

Monday- Graduation Requirements
             - Other Ways to Earn Credits
             - 8 Focus Areas
             - Focus Area Assignment (Explain, Form Groups, Choose Topics)
              (See IMPORTANT LINKS for useful links)

Tuesday- Focus Area Assignment (Time to work on project)

Wednesday- Focus Area Assignment (Time to finish project)

Thursday- Focus Area Presentations (Groups will present their focus area)

Friday- Focus Area Presentations (if necessary)
          - Grad Transitions

* Reminder: Your Self-Identity Project is now OVERDUE!! Complete and hand in ASAP!!!!