Sunday 16 October 2011

Week of Oct.17-21

Hello Grade 10's!

I'm looking forward to FINALLY having another double block with you. It's been awhile! This week is only a 4-day week so that means we have A LOT to get done in a shorter period of time! Keep reading to find out what we will be doing this week...

Recently we've been discussing in class the importance of your Grade 10 year, and keeping your grades up to ensure all the doors are open for you when you graduate and are deciding what you want to do with your life. It is very difficult for most teenagers at your age to know what you want to do in 3-5 years from now. That is why it is SO IMPORTANT that you do your very best, take all the academic courses, and keep your marks high to ensure you have a solid GPA to meet entrance requirements for post-secondary education!!! You would hate to slack off now only to discover 3 years from now that you needed a higher average, or you needed an extra class that you could have taken when you were in high school. My saying is "You're here you might as well use your time as effectively as you can and get the most out of high school so you don't have to come back and upgrade!"

That being said, I have an inspirational movie based on a true story to show you all about the importance of keeping your GPA up and where that can take you! I will show it on Monday because it is our double block period. Hopefully we can get through all of it.

QUIZ- Tuesday Oct.18th
On Tuesday you will have a quiz on Grad Requirements, Focus Areas, Grad Transitions, and Post-Secondary Education. I reviewed the content with you on Friday and will be able to answer any questions you may have on Monday in class. Just remember to know specifics- Ex: which classes are required, how many credits you need, what the math pathways are, what the focus areas are, what the components of Grad Transitions are, what four types of post-secondary options are available to you, how long each of the programs are and what you receive, etc.

New Unit- Career Planning
Following the movie and the quiz,  we will be starting the Careers unit. I will be going over the Career Planning  activities and project with you. This is a very important unit and we will be doing something new everyday so ensure you are in class and ready to work! You may have also noticed I've added a number of new links to my webpage. These are useful links that you may wish to use for your career projects, as well as on your own in the future. I'll talk more about these in class.

See you in class! Have a great 4-day week!