Monday 10 October 2011

Week of Oct.11-14

Hi Everyone,

On Tuesday we will finish with the Focus Area Presentations. There are a number of you who have not yet presented. Be prepared to present, no if, but's or maybe's (that means no excuses). Ensure you have emailed your attached Power Point file or Prezi link to my school email (see About Me). I will check my email tonight (Monday night) and let you know if I have received it or not. Remember, you can 'cc' yourself or just add your own email address to the 'To:' field so that you get a copy of your email. You can then check to see if your presentation attachment worked properly.

We will finish the presentations on Tuesday and then move on to Grad Transitions and Post-Secondary options. You will have another online webquest to learn about Grad Transitions (those 4 credits you must earn to graduate) and then learn about furthering your education after high school.  You will have a quiz on all of this (Grad Requirements, Grad Transitions, and Post-secondary options) at the end of this unit. Depending on how much progress we make this week, the quiz could be this coming Friday, or the following Monday. Date T.B.A. (To Be Announced)!

See you in class! :)