Sunday 11 December 2011

Week of Dec.12-16th

Hi Gr.10's,

I hope you enjoyed your respective 'Safeteen' presentations last week. On Monday we will finish talking about Body Image and then begin talking about the use (and misuse) of Steroids. We will then begin talking about Alcohol use(abuse), how it affects the teenage brain, effects and consequences, drinking impaired, and impaired judgement. It should make for an interesting week.

Also, later this week, possibly even as early as Thursday, we will begin watching a Christmas movie in class. I have several options for you to choose from so I've created a POLL at the top of my page. PLEASE VOTE FOR ONE MOVIE YOU'D LIKE TO WATCH IN CLASS! The movie that has the most votes by Thursday will be the winner!

Your choices include:

See you in class!