Monday 2 January 2012

Week of Jan.3 -6

Welcome Back Everyone,

Tuesday January 3rd we will be starting our unit on drugs, which will be continued on Thursday and Friday. Perhaps in the last 15-20 minutes of class we will talk about and prepare for your Mock Interview.

Wednesday January 4th is your long-awaited Mock Interview in the library. Be sure to have an UPDATED COPY of your Cover Letter and Resume, and be dressed appropriately! You MUST ATTEND. This is for a mark and cannot be rescheduled.

Thursday January 5th you will be having the counselors come to talk to you about Course Selection. In the remaining time we will finish our drugs assignment.

Friday January 6th- We will finish talking about drugs and perhaps watch a video. Ms. Wilson will be coming to visit us at the beginning of class to talk about Co-op Programs at our school.

See you in class!