Sunday 8 January 2012

Week of Jan.9-13

Hi Gr.10's,

This week in Planning 10 we will finish our unit on drugs. We have a few more videos to watch and the Drug Addiction Article & Questions (that I handed out on the 4th in the library) to do as well. You will have a quiz on drugs on Wednesday, January 11th. Please think of any questions for the Mystery Box. You will have an opportunity to put questions in it if you wish.

On Tuesday January 10th the counselors will be coming to our class to discuss Course Selection. Be sure you are in class that day (well each and every day, but especially Tuesday!) because this is something you don’t want to miss. I strongly encourage you to take a look at the Course Selection Guide before Tuesday, so that you have a better idea of the courses being offered. Don’t forget- if you’re interested in a Gr.11 Co-op, there is a meeting at lunch time in the Career Center.

Probably starting on Wednesday, we will be moving on to our final unit on Healthy Relationships, which will take us through to the end of next week. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important and interesting units in the whole course!

See you in class!

PS. I have finalized your Mock Interview marks. Please remind me to pass them back to you! J