Monday 14 November 2011

Week of Nov.15-18

Hi Gr.10's,

Last week you had a lot of assignments due, as we wrapped up the Career & Post-Secondary unit of the course. Ensure that you hand in any missing work tomorrow/Tuesday so that you do not fall further behind.

Over the long weekend I have marked all of your cover letters and resumes and gave you a mark. All of you will have to make any appropriate changes (see my comments/suggestions) and print out a new copy of each to take to your Mock Interview on Nov.30th. Also, do not lose your cover letters or resumes. You should have both a paper copy as well as an electronic copy for future reference. You will be updating your resume throughout your lives, so keeping a copy will save you a lot of time and work!

This week we are starting Personal Finance. Since I have worked at a bank for the last 5 years, I have a lot of insightful knowledge on how banking, savings, etc. works. I have a lot of material to cover and will have to move quickly through it! Ensure that you are in class everyday and pay close attention. I want to finish this unit by the end of next week, if possible. You will need a calculator for this unit, so ensure you bring one to class each day.
This unit will cover:
  • Savings Plans- Benefits & Types
  • Investments- Types, benefits & risks
  • Everyday Banking & Financial Services
  • Budgeting
  • Credit
  • Financial Plan- post-secondary costs & first year budget
  • Sources of income
  • Reporting income tax
This is a really important and highly relevant unit, as you will all have bank accounts, you'll all need credit, and you'll all need to know how to manage your money!!!

See you in class!