Sunday 20 November 2011

Week of Nov.21-25

Hi Grade 10's,

This week first off on Monday you will be having a quiz on banking services. Read through your booklet thoroughly. Ensure also that you know the 7 required parts of a cheque. Please be sure to study, because the last quiz many of you bombed!!! :(

Following the quiz, we will quickly finish looking at balancing a cheque book like we did on the computer on Friday, before we move on to the next chapter, Personal Finance & Budgeting. You will need a calculator so ensure you remember to bring one to class!!!

We should be able to finish this by about Thursday for sure, whereupon we will start the next chapter on Consumer Credit.

Again, we are moving fast through this unit in order to allow us enough time for the remaining, more fun and interesting units. However, understanding your personal finance is incredibly necessary for you in your adult lives. Anyway, my point is this is important and we don't have a lot of time so be present, physically and mentally, and be ready to learn!

See you in class :)