Sunday 6 November 2011

Week of Nov.7- Nov.10


There are a number of assignments that are due or are overdue, which MUST BE HANDED IN ASAP!!! Many of you are falling behind and your grade is reflecting that! Need I remind you that this is a required course for graduation??! I shouldn't have to. It's your mark and your time you're wasting if you really want to have to take this course again! It's up to you! I'm just saying...

Please see the Due Dates reminder on the left-hand side of this page to see what is due.
First, the Random Act of Kindness initiative project that was assigned over a month ago is now due! Is yours finished and handed in? Don't forget about your Transition Plan that was due last Friday as well!

Second, last week you should have finished your Career Research project (booklet + brochure) and wrote cover letters for the job postings you found as part of Activity 6 in the booklet.  The first draft of your cover letters were due on Friday Nov.4th. Only half the class turned them in for me to assess over the weekend. The idea was that I would have time to look at them and then would give them back to you to improve before handing them in for a mark. If you didn't get yours handed in, you have lost the chance for me to provide helpful feedback for you. That's right- you will take the mark you get on your first draft so you really have to proofread on your own!! See- timing matters! You had more than enough class time to get your cover letters done in class, so there are absolutely no excuses for not being done! On Monday I will pass back the cover letters that were handed in to me Friday. Your revised draft/good copy of the cover letter is DUE TUESDAY NOV.8th.  No exceptions!

Third, on Monday we will be starting Resumes. You will have Monday and Tuesday in class to work on these. We will do peer evaluation, and you may ask me for advice/suggestions/proofreading in-class.
Your resume will be due on Thursday Nov.10th.

Fourth and finally, we will be spending Wednesday and Thursday on Interviews and Interview Skills/Questioning! This will help you  prepare for your Mock Interview which is the end of this month- Wednesday Nov.30th in the library in Period 3. No exceptions, no lates. DO NOT forget!!

Mock Interview-Wear Business Attire
You should be checking your closet now for dress clothes/shoes, that would be appropriate for this mock interview. Remember the guidelines I gave you. I don't expect you to have a full suit, but dress pants/skirt collared shirt/blouse, and dress shoes is something you should have by now if you don't already. You will need these types of clothes sooner or later. Don't leave it until the last minute!

If you are missing any previous work/assignments, ensure you get caught up on those ASAP! We still have a lot left to cover in this course. If you don't catch up now, you WILL be left behind! Don't let that happen to you.

See you in class. Be ready to work!