Wednesday 29 August 2012

September 2012

Unfortunately I won't be teaching Planning 10 this coming year, as I will be away on maternity leave until November 2013. I wish you the very best in your classes this year and will see you upon my return.


Friday 8 June 2012

Week of June 11 - 15th

Hi Gr.10's,

I hope you enjoyed your 'Safeteen' presentations last Friday. I look forward to hearing about them from you on Monday. Now that we are done covering the Sex Ed portion of the course, this last week we will be looking at and discussing 'Healthy Relationships'. We will be doing a number of activities and covering topics such as:
  • The Influence of Media on Teens and Sex
  • Peer Pressure in Relationships
  • Rights and Responsibilities While Being in a Relationship
  • What Makes a Healthy Relationship? / What Makes a Relationship Unhealthy?
  • Deal Makers and Deal Breakers 
  • Dear Gabby Advice Column
  • He Said...She Said Q&A Class
  • Final Mystery Box Q&A Class
  • Ms.Sundin's Little Gem's of Wisdom

This will be a fun and relaxed week with highly relevant discussion on important aspects of relationships.

Hopefully we'll get through this material in good time. If we have a few extra classes I would like to show 1-2 movies that highlight issues we've discussed this term. This depends of course on time.

Let me just take this opportunity to say I have really enjoyed teaching all of you this semester and wish you all the best in the future!

My Final Last Words: "Take care, make good choices, think for yourself, resist peer pressure, don't drink and drive, 'Say NO' to drugs, and 'Be Safe'!!!"

 I hope you've learned something in this class that you can take with you into your lives beyond class.

-Ms.Sundin :)

Sunday 3 June 2012

Hi Gr. 10's,

This is a busy week. Please be prepared to present your STD presentations starting Monday. We will also have two different guest presentations this week. Here is a brief overview:

-STD Presentations
-Class will take notes on presentations in notes package (will be provided)

-Guest Presentation- HIV/AIDS

Wednesday (Double-block)
-STD Presentations continue
*Hopefully we can get through all or most of them

-Finish STD Presentations if necessary
-VIDEO: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
-Mystery Box Q&A

Guest Presentation: Safeteen
ALL MORNING (Period 3 and 4)
Boys and Girls will be separated and join the boys/girls from Mr.Black's Planning Class.
Boys- Go directly to B206 (Ms.Tanino's Room)
Girls- Go directly to C101 (Mr.Mah's Room)


Now, please see below for the video we talked about in class on Friday. Warning: the descriptions and some images may be disturbing. However, since we just recently finished our Drug Awareness Unit I felt this was a highly relevant current event worth discussing. A fairly new form of "LSD: (Acid/Hallucinogen) nicknamed "Bath Salts" is blamed for what the media are calling the "Miami Zombie Attack". Just last week, a man clearly under the influence of these 'bath salts', went into a fit of violent psychosis and attacked a homeless man on the street- ripping off and eating parts of his face. The perpetrator (zombie attacker) was naked, because one of the effects of this drug is it causes your core body temperature to rise so much that your body over heats. I've heard it feels like your organs are melting!  Similar cases have been reported with this drug, although none quite THIS gruesome.

Ensure you get your 5-day eating logs and DPA 10 certificates in to the hand in tray on Monday if you haven't already and you have only 1 WEEK LEFT to get missing work in. My cut off day is Monday June 11th. I have to prepare report cards and have time to mark everything!!!!

See you in class on Tuesday.

Friday 25 May 2012

May 28 - June 1st

Hi Class,

Now that we've covered contraception, we will be moving on to the topic of STI's- Sexually Transmitted Infections or as we called them in my high school days: STD's-Sexually Transmitted Diseases! You will be working on another research project, this time just with a partner, that you'll present to the class. I'll go over all the details and expectations in class on Tuesday.

There are two really good links on my page (see 'Important Links' on the right) about STD's that you may wish to consult as part of your research project. STD and STI's BC Public Health

Don't forget- your 5-day Eating Logs and DPA (Daily Physical Activity) Declaration are due this Friday, June 1st!

See you in class!

Monday 21 May 2012

Week of May 22 - 26th

Hi Gr.10's,

This week we will be starting to look at the topics of sex, contraception and possibly sexually transmitted infections if time permits. You will be given the chance to look at some library resources, you'll learn about different types of contraception and you'll also watch a video. This is a very important unit that will cover sensitive material that requires a serious and mature attitude. Please be respectful and be in class everyday.

Also, if you are STILL MISSING many assignments since the term report card and have not made any effort to get caught up (you know who you are!!), you can expect phone calls to be going home soon to inform your parents of your poor choices and low marks! Some of you even risk failure! In case you need reminding, Planning 10 is a REQUIRED COURSE TO GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Get off your butts and do your work so you can pass this class please! Thanks...


Your Concerned Teacher

Sunday 13 May 2012

Week of May 14 - 18th

Hi Gr.10's,
Good job on everyone getting their group presentation done last week. We will be continuing with presentations and note-taking this week. I estimate that we will be done by Wednesday. You can expect to hand in your notes packages for a completion mark on that day. I have some relevant videos to show you about drug use/abuse this week as well. You can also expect a quiz on the drugs we've studied in class in the near future. All the more reason to pay attention in class and take good notes! ;) ;)

See you in class! :)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Week of May 7 - 11th

Hi Class,

Starting on Thursday May 3rd we will begin our unit on drugs. You will be doing a group project Drug Awareness Webquest. This assignment will take us through most, if not, all of next week to complete. You will have 3-4 class periods to do your research and create your group presentation. The due date for presentations to start is Wednesday May 9th. Click the link below to go to the Website for assignment instructions, expectations and content requirements.

Good luck!

Alcohol, Texting, and Driving DO NOT MIX

In class we learned about the dangers and consequences of drinking as a teenager, not to mention the increased risk of car accidents when alcohol and texting are added to the equation. Below I have posted the two videos that I showed in class in case you wish to watch them again. They are very powerful and 'drive' home a very serious and strong message (yes, pun intended).

Live Fast Die Young (Drinking & Driving)

If Lives Are In Your Hands (Texting & Driving)


Friday 27 April 2012

Week of April 30th - May 3rd

Hi Gr.10's,

Last week we learned about body image, eating disorders, steroid use and managing stress.

This coming week we will be studying smoking, alcohol, and drugs. This is a fairly large unit that will likely take at least 2 weeks to cover. We will do a number of activities that look at the harmful effects, types, etc. of drugs.

Don't forget that some of you still have not handed in your Health Awareness posters, or your 5-day Eating Logs! Also, your DPA 10 (Daily Physical Declaration) certificate needs to be completed and handed in soon as well.

Have a great week and see you in class :)

Sunday 22 April 2012

Week of April 23rd - 27th

Hi Gr.10's,

First off on Monday, your health/ad campaign posters that were assigned on Tuesday are due. You had two class periods to work on this plus the weekend, so there should be no excuse for not having it done. Expect to hand your assignment in first thing!

Don't forget also that your 5-day Eating Logs + Reflection on the backside should be completed by now and turned in for a mark and to be put into your Grad Transitions folder. Also, there are still a few of you who have not yet returned your letter of permission, signed by your parents. It has been over a week so please get it back to me asap!!

This week we will begin looking at exercise and fitness. You will do a couple quizzes/assessments of your own fitness and fitness knowledge, watch a video and go over some handouts. On Monday you will need to visit the link on the right hand side under "Important Links" called Daily Physical Activity Guidelines for Teens.

Once we have finished learning about exercise and fitness, we will be moving on to the following topics:
  • body image
  • eating disorders
  • steroid use
  • managing stress
Exercise, fitness, and looking good are closely linked to our body image, eating disorders and steroid use. Unfortunately, the media plays a very influential role in 'societal ideals' of what 'beauty' is supposed to look like. We will examine this, the causes for it, and of course the negative consequences of it. We'll see how far we get this week, but I believe this is quite an interesting unit. You can expect a few videos this week as well.

As an introduction to body image, I'd like you to look at the following picture and ask yourself, how did our perception of 'beauty' and 'being sexy' change so drastically over the years?

It is a good question :(

See you in class...

Sunday 15 April 2012

Week of April 16-20th

Hi Gr.10's,

Remember that Monday is your marks cut off! I hope some of you have been busy over the weekend in order to avoid an 'I' report this report card.
Also, please return your Permission Letters signed by your parents for the upcoming units on health & healthy relationships. I gave them to you last Thursday. They are due Monday!!!

Here is a breakdown of what you can expect this coming week:

A look at your daily maximum number of calories, fast food, what you eat, and the McDonald's Nutrition Calculator! We will then watch a video called "Portion Size Me" that deals with teens eating fast food.

Nutrition Quiz- based on the Canada Food Guide, Water, and Essential Nutrients
Video: Teen Nutrition- the Great Debate
Time permitting you will be assigned your next project- an Ad Campaign for Health Awareness in Teens

Wednesday (Double-block)
Documentary: "Food Inc." + Discussion Questions for hand in
This is an extremely interesting and shocking look at the business of food in America, and all of the moral and ethical issues that come with corporations controlling the food industry.

Health Awareness Ad Campaign Poster assignment- work time

Health Awareness Ad Campaign Poster assignment-work time

Project Due: Monday April 23rd

It should be a fun week. See you in class! :)

Monday 9 April 2012

Week of April 10-13th

Hi Gr.10's,

On Tuesday you will have a quiz on credit,so you would be wise to review your notes from last week. Following that you will be learning about Mortgages and Car Loans. For both you will be doing an online activity trying to find your first house and car! Lastly, you'll be doing a final assignment in this unit- a Financial Plan. This will assist you in completing your Grad Transitions in Gr.12. It is my hopes that we will be completely done the Finance unit of this course by the end of this week!

Don't forget, my marks cut off for the upcoming report card is Monday, April 16th- yes, THIS MONDAY, so that I have time to mark them. If you are missing any assignments that are affecting your overall grade negatively, I suggest you get them done and handed in by then! It's up to you, as all the assignments thus far are already overdue.

See you in class!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Week of April 2- 5th

Hi Gr.10's,

Bring me!
This week we will start out by reviewing what you have learned thus far on saving and investing. I will show you two videos on personal finance. You can expect a quiz on what we have studied so far as well. Following that we will look at banking services before moving onto credit and loans. Be sure that you bring a calculator to class!

See you in class!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Week of Mar 26 - Mar.30th

Hi Gr.10's and Welcome Back!

Before the break you had been working on Cover Letters and Resumes. On Monday you will continue to work on your Resume. You will have 1-2 more classes at most to finish these before they are homework. Following that we will be looking at Interview Skills in preparation for your Mock Interviews in April (Date T.B.A.)

See you in class! :)

Saturday 3 March 2012

Week of Mar.5 - Mar.9th

Hi Gr.10's,

I hope over the 'extended weekend' you have you will take advantage of the time to catch up on any missed assignments, namely the Self Identity project, which is now overdue! Also, ensure that you have a finished 'rough draft' of your cover letter done and ready to edit/proofread for Thursday March 8th.

On Thursday we will work on Cover Letters and also begin Resumes if we have time.

Hope to see you soon!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Week of Feb.27-Mar.2

Hi Gr.10's,

Here is a break down of this week:

Monday- class moved to Foods Lab B124!!! (Go directly there)
             - we will study/review for your quiz Tuesday on Personal Discovery

Tuesday- QUIZ on Personal Discovery unit (personality, theories, psychologists, etc.)
            - remaining class time for project. DUE DATE EXTENSION- Friday March 2nd

Check out this cool photo I found that relates to one of the quizzes we did in class!
Wednesday- Friday- Begin "Career & Education" unit
                                 - need for post-secondary education, types of employment and
                                   compensation, employability skills, manners & etiquette
                                   at work

See you in class!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Week of Feb.20-24th

Hi Gr.10's,

First thing on Monday your Transition Plan is due to be handed in. If you were not finished your Career Cruising Booklet and Brochure on Friday, that too is expected to be handed in ASAP!

The students who were absent on Friday will be expected to write their Grad Requirements Quiz first thing as well. Following that, I hope to correct the quizzes so that I can get the marks back to you as quickly as possible.

On Friday we talked about "Values" and you were to complete a Values Survey. Please ensure that that is done by Monday as well. We will be looking at Self-Concept before assigning you your final Self-Identity Project. You can expect a movie this week as well that relates to identity, values, self-concept, peer pressure, etc. What movie you ask? Be in class on Thursday and you'll find out!! :)

See you in class!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Week of Feb.13-16th

Hi Gr.10's,

On Monday you will have class time to work on your Career Brochure. You should be done your Career Cruising booklet already, so if you're not, take it home and finish it ASAP. Please use your time efficiently, as we will soon be moving on to Post-Secondary education and the various options you have. You will have a quiz on Grad Requirements, Grad Transitions, and Post-Secondary education on Friday Feb.17th, so be sure you are prepared by listening in class and looking over your notes at home.

On Monday one of the counselors will be coming to our class to help you with your course selection for next year and then you will actually register for the classes you want on Thursday Feb.16th. Ensure you're in class for that and look over the course selection guide if you haven't done so already. Hopefully your Career Cruising activities have given you something to think about and have helped you determine which courses you should be taking.

See you in class!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Week of Feb.6-10th

Hey Everybody,

This is just a reminder that your Who Am I? assignment is due Monday February 6th if you haven't handed it in already. Ensure that you have your typed paragraph attached to the back and Part A stapled behind your poster.

This week I had planned to continue exploring personality, by doing a number of personality quizzes, such as your Emotional Quotient, about Left and Right brain tendencies, and much more. However, due to your course selection date fast approaching (Feb.16th), we are going to switch gears and start discussing graduation requirements, focus areas, and career selection to help you better choose your courses the following week! Had I known course selection was so soon I would have started with this! This is a really important unit, which will help you determine what you want to do in the future and what classes you'll need to take in order to get there! You will need access to the BC Ministry of Education's Grad Planner. You can access the site by clicking here: Grad Planner  or you may access it from my "IMPORTANT LINKS" on the right hand side of my website.

Regardless, it should be a fun week as you begin to learn more about yourselves!

See you in class!

Friday 27 January 2012

Week of Jan.30th- Feb.3rd

Hi Everybody and Welcome to Planning 10!

I am very excited to be teaching Planning this semester. I think it is a highly relevant course about Life and all that comes with it-self-discovery, career planning, finances, health, nutrition, healthy relationships and more. And best of all, it is going to be FUN! We will be doing a lot of in-class activities and assignments, as well as projects this semester.

How can you be successful? Your success in this course depends entirely on you and your ability to keep up with and hand in ALL assignments ON TIME!  There is really no reason why you can't be successful in this course, so be prepared each class, be on time, pay attention, USE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY, and make your due dates!

Remember, while this is a fairly fun course, it is a REQUIREMENT to graduate so put in your best effort.

For a list of topics we will be covering this semester, please refer to the course outline. If at anytime you have questions about assignments or concerns please don't hesitate to email me.

Please check this site regularly for information and reminders on assignments, projects, due dates, and  tests. I'll do my best to update this weekly!

See you in class! :)

Sunday 22 January 2012

Week of Jan. 23-27th

Hi Planning 10,

In case you're checking this, I just wanted to say it was wonderful teaching you all. You were a fun class and I'll miss you. I apologize our last class was a bit rushed at the end (I always forget Fridays end at 2:50)! I didn't get the chance to say Good-bye properly. I hope you learned a few things this semester that will carry with you over the years. Please remember to work hard, always do your best, be kind to one another, respect yourself, make smart choices and plan ahead!

I wish you all the very best in the coming years!

Please don't hesitate to stop by my room to check your final mark or to hand in your 5-day Eating Log or Daily Physical Activity sheet to your folders. I'll sign off on them for you provided you bring it to my attention!

See you around!


Saturday 14 January 2012

Week of Jan.16-20th

Hi Gr.10's,

As this is your LAST WEEK of classes, there is A LOT to do!!! I'm sorry the end of the course is so rushed. I blame all the Monday double-blocks we lost this semester :S

Anyway, this is what our last week together will look like:

Monday- Finish discussing Birth Control/Contraceptives Chart
               - VIDEO on Teen Sex/Birth Control

Tuesday- Quiz: Birth Control
            - STI Research Assignment-partner research activity

Wednesday- Class time to create presentation on your STI due Thursday

Thursday- STI Research presentations

Friday- Finish any STI presentations if necessary. Watch a video on STI's. Final Mystery Box Q&A. Discussion/Exploration of a great website I found called "Get Respect- Youth Sexual Health". I have posted it to my Important Links if you want to check it out.

Remember: if you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, please submit a question to the Mystery Box. I'll give you all an opportunity every day this week up until Thursday and have the answers to you on Friday.

Friday is also the cut off day for any late/missing assignments. I'll aim to have your final marks ready sometime after Wednesday Jan.25th, so please feel free to stop by my room to check your mark.

It was a pleasure teaching you all this semester. I wish you all the best next semester and in the future. Don't be afraid to say 'Hi' in the halls :)

- Ms.Sundin

Sunday 8 January 2012

Week of Jan.9-13

Hi Gr.10's,

This week in Planning 10 we will finish our unit on drugs. We have a few more videos to watch and the Drug Addiction Article & Questions (that I handed out on the 4th in the library) to do as well. You will have a quiz on drugs on Wednesday, January 11th. Please think of any questions for the Mystery Box. You will have an opportunity to put questions in it if you wish.

On Tuesday January 10th the counselors will be coming to our class to discuss Course Selection. Be sure you are in class that day (well each and every day, but especially Tuesday!) because this is something you don’t want to miss. I strongly encourage you to take a look at the Course Selection Guide before Tuesday, so that you have a better idea of the courses being offered. Don’t forget- if you’re interested in a Gr.11 Co-op, there is a meeting at lunch time in the Career Center.

Probably starting on Wednesday, we will be moving on to our final unit on Healthy Relationships, which will take us through to the end of next week. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important and interesting units in the whole course!

See you in class!

PS. I have finalized your Mock Interview marks. Please remind me to pass them back to you! J

Monday 2 January 2012

Week of Jan.3 -6

Welcome Back Everyone,

Tuesday January 3rd we will be starting our unit on drugs, which will be continued on Thursday and Friday. Perhaps in the last 15-20 minutes of class we will talk about and prepare for your Mock Interview.

Wednesday January 4th is your long-awaited Mock Interview in the library. Be sure to have an UPDATED COPY of your Cover Letter and Resume, and be dressed appropriately! You MUST ATTEND. This is for a mark and cannot be rescheduled.

Thursday January 5th you will be having the counselors come to talk to you about Course Selection. In the remaining time we will finish our drugs assignment.

Friday January 6th- We will finish talking about drugs and perhaps watch a video. Ms. Wilson will be coming to visit us at the beginning of class to talk about Co-op Programs at our school.

See you in class!